Tuesday, August 27, 2019

She’s baccckkkj!

So much has happened since I last blogged. Kylie is a teenager, and Jeree was born! I’ve gained and lost 30 lbs or so. James’s practice has added one full time employee, and gotten a bigger office! Instagram is now a full blown way to make a living + find all the things you may or may not need. We are coming up on 6 years in our house. Wow. We lost our sweet, Scouter boy after a year long bout of cancer. And I got Botox.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Clean Eating 2015

On my quest to become a better me...I'm changing my skin and changing my body. I now only crave water! Hallelujah!

Whole wheat English muffin with Simply Jiff and half a red delicious apple.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Layered Southwest Cornread Salad

I didn't think about taking a picture of the finished product.  James doesn't like the added veggies, so, there's not much I can do to make it "pretty".  I first saw this recipe on Facebook and wanted to make it.  James was skeptical, but, asked me to add some chicken to it.  I found a Martha Stewart recipe and combined two recipes.

2 boxes Jiffy cornbread mix
2 packages spicy Ranch dressing (make using 2 cups mayonnaise and 2 1/3 cups milk)
4 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

I like to make the cornbread as muffins.  Just follow the directions on the box.  Crumble the cornbread muffins.  Make yourself a little assembly line.  Layer cornbread, chicken, cheese, dressing.  Repeat until you run out of ingredients.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Pass the Cookbook Club, Month 1

Facebook has become just a fun way for me to stay connected..I can keep up with my friends, my family, the latest coupons, and now I can have a virtual bookclub that ties together my two favorite things..Reading and cooking.. I follow along Pass the Sushi, and she recently decided that she wanted to dust off some of her old cookbooks and get cooking..Luckily, she picked Pioneer Woman first..I cook out of both her cookbooks a lot..In fact, I have been following her blog for years and probably wouldn't be able to cook at all if not for her.. I decided on Potatoes Au Gratin..I had made them once before.. I went back and baked the potatoes about 20 minutes longer, because they just weren't soft enough for me..

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Year in Review: 2012

2013, here you are...2012 has been good to us...James's practice continues to grow and we became homeowners.  Kylie went into the gifted program this year and just turned 9 years old on Dec. 4th. We celebrated with a dance party at The Pub with 9 school friends, her sister, grandmother, and dad. We all had a good time other than I was terribly sick with yet diagnosed pneumonia. The holidays were wonderful, but bittersweet since my step-dad had recently been diagnosed with cancer. He waited until after the holidays to let me know that he has decided to stop treatment.

2012 also brought us a baby boom. A trio of unexpected babies and one expected. Kylie became a big sister again. My cousin Brett and his wife had baby number two, and my cousin Jason welcomed his first child with Ally who has become a dear friend. Brett's baby sister celebrated 5 years of marriage and learned she would be welcoming a baby this month. We are beyond blessed with bouncing baby cousins.

We celebrated New Year's with two parties at friend's houses. It was a fun and intimate New Year's with lots of music and laughter.

I am hopeful that 2013 will be as happy as 2012. I am going to try and be more sociable this year. I would like to work on getting this weight off this year, and I think I want to learn to sew and maybe take up quilting.

Love and blessings to all.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blah's and the Baby Blues..

My poor blog needs some updating...I have saved tons and tons of money this week at Kroger and Walgreens..I've been cooking, cooking, and eating, eating..blah....

Everyone seems to be pregnant, now, too....not me..just everyone else, sigh..

Hopefully soon we will be closed on our house and I can put pictures up and all my obsessions with decorating that are just stuck to my poor Pinterest....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Menus and My New Favorite Blog

I used to be so good about making my menus out..I've been in a funk for awhile, and I haven't..I've looked at the services that do it for me, but, most of them don't have food that my family (or me) likes to eat....thanks to Pinterest, I stumbled upon this blog..eat at home and I think I love her.....

This week's menu that I am using is Summer menu year 3, week 21.

Hope you will take a look and I hope she can help you as much as she has helped me..